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Monday, February 13, 2012

Impossible Photos - Discussing Digital Art

Digital Art is the art of creating photos that cannot be taken with a camera - the creation of impossible photos.

Erik Johannsen is interested in what you can do with a photograph after the shutter button is pressed. He felt that traditional photography was limited to essentially being in the right place at the right time. He felt that anyone could do that and he wanted to do more (arguably though anyone can do what he does as well, it will just involve more work in post than 'simply' taking a photograph).

So why not abandon photography completely and pick up a paintbrush instead? Photography portrays a level of realism that other mediums do not offer, or at least do not offer as readily. It is the subversion and manipulation of this realism that Johannsen enjoys and requires in his art.

Successful subversion primarily requires planning - knowing what you want the end product to look like before you begin so that you can collect the pieces necessary to complete the puzzle. Key considerations include perspective, lighting, colour, contrast, brightness, and how you will make the end product appear as a seamless solitary image despite the fact that it's made of many different images.


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