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Monday, April 28, 2014

48 Hours 2014 - Half Shell and Guerilla Gorilla Cross Over - Harpy's Call and Siren's Call

Here is this year's effort for the 48 hour film competition. Our fearless leader elected to try a crossover with another team. I think it kind of worked out. In theory you should be able to watch them independently and/or in any order you like. Below they are shown in the order they were played in our screening (other team first then our team.)

Required Elements
CHARACTER :Morgan Foster - A Liar
 Line - "Not with that you're not"
 Prop - A Ball
 Shot - Extreme Close up / Macro
Other team - Fantasy
Our Team - Time Travel

 Other team: Harpy's Call
Harpy's Call from Imago Dei Films on Vimeo.

Our team: Siren's Call