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Monday, August 1, 2011

Cameras with a cinematic look face-off - Digital vs Film

One of the standard debates in the 'movie maker' world is the film vs digital argument. While the death of film has been announced a number of times the progression of digital format cameras over the past few years (most notably the RED and, lately, dSLRs) has really narrowed the gap. These days video cameras can produce clearer images with a wider dynamic range than they used to have.

While most people restrict this debate to semi-scientific speculation and discussion of how film 'feels' better than video there are some who go beyond. Those who try to pin down the question and really address who the current champion in the film vs digital fight is. Enter The Great Camera ShootOut - A series where situations and exposures are held constant while the camera bodies are switched out.

Film vs. Digital. Who will win? Watch the footage (in full screen) and make the decision for yourself.

The Great Camera Shootout 2011: Episode 1 ~ "The Tipping Point" from steve weiss on Vimeo.


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