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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Psych Essays - Creating Essay Structure - Creating Flow

Flow is an elusive and vague term but proper use of what it refers to can really improve the perceived and actual quality of your essays.

At a high level flow is achieved by:
Making points clearly
Following a logical order that feels natural to the reader
Linking sentences and paragraphs in a non-disruptive manner

If that all sounds a tad vague and waffley that's probably because it is.

Perhaps then it is easier to talk about flow by addressing the above points one at a time.

Making points clearly
Sentences should be easy to read
- Use short sentences where possible
- Avoid unnecessary commas
Paragraphs should be easy to read
- Follow the SEE paragraph structure
- Stick to one point per paragraph

Following a logical order that feels natural to the reader
Tell the reader what to expect
- Do this primarily in the Introduction
Give the reader what they expect
- Follow the structure you have outlined in your introduction
- Stick to one idea per paragraph

Linking in a non-disruptive manner
Give the reader what the expect
- If you have provided a solid outline in your introduction sticking to it will ensure transitions are made smoothly
Soften transitions to new ideas
- In addition to following the outline supplied in your introduction the end of one idea/paragraph can be linked to the next. This is often done through the use of linking words/phrases such as "Additionally", "However", "Unfortunately", "On the other hand", "Further support comes from..." etc.

Overall though the creation of flow is something that comes from practice. The more essays you write the more your essays will flow.


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