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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Talking about Death

Without getting to grim the take home points from this video are:
- It's important to talk about death and how we want to die
As we have extended the life expectancy we have achieved attaining more old age, not more youth. This means that the way in which we die has become a slower, more drawn out process. While there are techniques that can be used to keep us alive longer they will not help us avoid death, they will only help as delay it. At some point people may wish to opt out of these techniques. However by the time people reach that point they are often unable to talk for themselves. As such it becomes important to have conversations about death while we are still healthy enough to do so

- Ask people who they would want to talk for them if they were no longer able to.
- Ask people if they have spoken to the person who they want to speak for them about what they want.

While this video may seem like it is advocating for Euthanasia it isn't really. Euthanasia is typically seen as taking an active role in bringing about pre-natural death. What is being discussed here is more about when you should stop trying to prevent death occurring.


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