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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Story Telling - A Presentation using an Ipad

New dog, old tricks?
In the video below Joe Sabia talks about how storytelling has changed over time...
Or should that be how it has stayed the same over time?
Really the take home message in this presentation is one of consistency rather than one of change.

Ironically it is also worth noting that while the technology he has chosen to tell his story does enable him to tell his story it is little better than a powerpoint presentation. While one could argue that some of his examples are performed live or on the fly, such as the use of google, these examples would need to have been pre-prepared. As such the live on-the-flyness of them becomes somewhat irrelevant. In fact the one thing that could not be easily replicated in powerpoint is the use of  the camera at the end of the presentation. However this adds very little to the presentation as a whole and could also be replicated (or outdone) by cutting to a live feed of the audience..

At this stage then he has failed to make a strong case for the basis of his argument - the idea that storytelling evolves to take advantage of new mediums. In order to truly demonstrate his point greater interaction with the device or the audience would need to have formed a key component of the presentation.

However this does not mean that the ipad has failed where other mediums have succeeded. It simply means that storytelling has not caught up with this particular piece of technology just yet - that or this particular piece of technology has nothing new to offer and/or is merely a passing fad that will not need to be adapted to.


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