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Friday, December 16, 2011

The Magic Numbers of Photography - Calculating Your Circle of Confusion

Despite sounding like group therapy for dementia patients the circle of confusion is a remarkably simple concept to grasp. It is often talked about as an unfocussed spot of light produced from a cone of light.

If you think about how light travels through a lens and the cones that it produces in doing so it soon becomes clear that the circle of confusion produced by objects at different distances from a lens will produce different circles of confusion when the recording medium is at different distances from the lens. Any combination that creates a circle of confusion that is too small for our eyes to resolve appears as a single crisp spot and is deemed to be in focus. Any combination that produces a larger circle of confusion is deemed to be more out of focus.

In this way the circle of confusion is related to the depth of field. Any circle of confusion that produces a finer resolution than our eye is deemed to be in focus.

As the circle of confusion essentially relates to the image that gets recorded on a sensor or frame of film it is calculated in relation to the size of the sensor or frame of film. Commonly the diagonal length of the recording medium is divided by 1000 or 1500. In the case of a Nikon APS-C sensor the value obtained by dividing the diagonal by 1500 is 0.019


  1. I think that might have gone over my head slightly, but thanks none the less!! Also is testing, testing the actual title of your blog? You should rename it something more relevant so more people find it!

  2. Yeah, this one is a work in progress. I still need to get it to the clarity of the Depth of Field post in terms of wording. In fact both posts would benefit from pictures to bring the points home.

    Testing testing is a stand in name while I figure out what (if anything) this blog is about. Really this blog is just a place where I test my thoughts and ideas on things (so in that sense it's appropriate). Once some strong themes start coming through I'll probably develop a new blog around a few strong specific ideas and keep this one as a testing ground.

  3. I'd really love to say I have my head around the whole concept but the nitty gritty of the circle of confusion to me is well... still confusing! I have an online depth of field calculator which really has helped me on the way.
