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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years Resolutions - Here come the ads

In the spirit of new year's resolutions here's a guy who has taken his life in his hands and feels great.

It's an ad from nutrigrain, presumably from the US. Most of the youtube discussion suggests it's a few years old but it feels like it could have been made today.

I may start posting about ads a bit more as, tragically, I often quite enjoy and appreciate them.

In this case while the ad itself is entertaining it doesn't feel like it would have been that successful. The key thing being that the only part that makes it an ad for nutrigrain comes right at the very end on a completely new background. In terms of dark internet arts this means it's easily hi-jacked for other purposes. Of course, this may have been intended giving it the potential to become a viral meme. This seems unlikley though.


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