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Friday, September 7, 2012

Dangers of Motorcycle Riding

The video at the top of the page is a terrifying example of what can go wrong on a motorcycle. It is important  for all motorcyclists to remember that their safety is not only their own hands but also the hands of everyone and everything that they share the road with. In the example above the motorcyclist is in the right legally speaking but when you're arguing with the concrete the law doesn't really help you much. While many people (rightly) point out that the motorcyclist probably could maintained more awareness by not recording a political video for youtube he doesn't have much time or much space to react to the truck crossing his lane. Luckily in this case the rider hasn't been injured too seriously. Even more luckily the accident has been caught on his helmet cam so we can all learn from his riding experience rather than having to learn the same lesson with our own skin.

1 comment:

  1. Of course riding is really risky. There are many dangers in riding however, you can still avoid them if you ride properly and when you wear protective gear.
