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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wedding Photography Tips - Choosing Locations for Wedding Photos

As a photographer, bride, or groom you will want to make sure that you get the most out of your wedding photography. Part of ensuring that this happens is choosing a good location for the photo shoot, but what makes a good location?

1) Lighting
Ideally you'll want to find somewhere with plenty of shade and/or reflected light. This is because these locations provide lovely even light that produces wonderful photos. You may also like to pick somewhere with more intense light but the intense light should be an additional option.

If intense light is your only choice get photos in full light and full back-light before trying anything too clever.

2) Time
You should consider the time when picking your location. This includes the time taken to get there, the time of day (and hence the light), and the foot or other traffic present at the time you choose.

3) Look and theme
Does the location you have chosen fit with the look and theme of the wedding? Will it produce photos that you will be happy with?

4) Think big and small
Remember that most shots will probably not involve the entire landscape. As such most of the time you may not need the full location in view.

5) Look for variation
with all of this in mind now consider how many different looks you can get from a single spot. The more looks you can get from one place the less likely you are to have to use multiple locations.

This has been updated and placed on my wedding photography website in the wedding photography tips section.


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  2. If you have any additions, suggestions, or improvements for finding wedding photography locations let me know!
