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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Freakonomics - Will I enjoy reading it?

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything (P.S. (Paperback))
A Rogue Economist Explores the 
Hidden Side of Everything
This review of Freakonomics may look a little different to other book reviews you may have seen. This may be related to the fact that Freakonomics is likely to be different to others books you have read but is most likely due to the fact that most of this review is a video. Why review a book with a video? The answer is simple - the video is the book. Rather the video is one of the authors of the book presenting information outlined in the book in a similar style to the way the book is written. As such if you enjoy this presentation, in terms of information and style, chances are you will also enjoy reading Freakonomics.


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