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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 7 - Cinnamon Cupcakes

Cinnamon Cupcakes ended the first week of the 100 day cupcake challenge. They smell amazing and have a layered structure that is visible through the base of the cupcake in the photo above.

Photographers Notes:
This is a composite of 2 images. The first was taken before I made a massive mistake. The second image was taken after the massive mistake. I wanted a gradient going from a nice warm orange at the bottom of the image to black at the top of the image. I wanted to achieve this by using a flash to light the foreground and letting the background drop off to nothing. The warmth would be achieved through using our dining room table which has goldy coloured imitation wood. This all worked quite well in the first image. While that did look warm and inviting I decided I wanted to add some cinnamon to the shot. I figure I would sprinkle it through a sieve to create golden droplets against the black background. While this worked, and is included in the final image. I hadn't counted on how fine the cinnamon was and how quickly it would fall through the sieve. The consequence of that mistake was a table and cupcake drenched in cinnamon. While the cinnamon on the table and in the air looked quite nice the top of the cupcake was now solid cinnamon. It looked horrible. Luckily by this stage my positions were locked though so I was able to combined the top of the cupcake from the previous shot with the rest of the second image. The result it above.


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