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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Get Indexed by Google Quickly

In this video Matt Cutts points out a feature of Google Webmaster Tools that essentially allows you to manually update Google's record of your webpage. The fetch as google bot function used to simply show you how google would see your page but now it can be used to refresh, or create, Google's record of a page on your website. For established websites this is very useful if some important information needs to be changed, a common example being a change in the price of a product or service. For new websites this should enable webmasters to get their content indexed more quickly than waiting for a google bot to crawl their content naturally. Interestingly Matt also points out that this feature gives you the option of crawling the linked content on that page as well. This is an excellent way for new sites to get into the index especially if a main navigation page is submitted to the fetch as google bot feature.