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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Psych Essays - Creating Essay Structure - Core Components

The Introduction
In many cases a solid introduction can be created by rewording the question. This is because your essay question will probably provide the key elements of the introduction. In fact if the question is very specific it may well provide all of the key points. 

Importantly your introduction does not have to be written first. In fact, as it should outline the overall structure and order of your final essay, you may like to write it after you are happy with the overall structure and flow of your body paragraphs.

Body Paragraphs
Your body paragraphs should inherit structure from the question. You should address broad points, including definitions, early in the essay and more specific points later in the essay. As already mentioned this should also be reflected in the introduction. In fact, to the reader, it should look like the body paragraphs inherited their structure from the introduction.

The Conclusion
The conclusion is a lot like the introduction. It should cover the same ideas in the same order. However instead of simply raising the ideas you should now be summarising the points you made in the body of your essay. Once again this should follow the order used in the introduction.

Information on using the essay question to structure your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion can be found here


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