I am here not through any desire to share my thoughts with the world, to be popular, or even to be read at all. Instead I am here through a desire to reflect on my own thoughts and opinions.
As such this blog will not have any single topic or theme. If you do choose to follow it expect it to drift from photography to science, from cameras to equations, and from fact to fiction.
At this point you might wonder why I would choose to post such thoughts and opinions online if my interest is less in their broadcast and more in their refinement. Why not simply keep a journal in a book or in a file stored on my computer? Why open 'unrefined' thoughts to the criticism of the masses?
The answer is simple.
First, I believe in criticism. Constructive criticism anyway. While you're probably quick to point out that the internet is an unlikely place to find this those people that read this page are likely to be people that I know and trust. They are also less likely to find it than be shown it and asked for their thoughts and opinions.
The second reason is a continuation of the first. I doubt that this will reach the masses. In fact I suspect that most of my page views will come from me and people who I have pointed to a specific post. At 'best' I expect that I will be able to count any consistent readership that I develop on one hand. As such this little spot on the internet is probably far more secure than a journal or computer left in almost any house I have ever lived in.
Now, with that introduction out of the way and my first experience of blogging firmly under my belt, you can expect to hear from me in the coming days.
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